Friday, November 20, 2009

Chew on this!

Thus far, sense our recent studies on Chew on This. I have learned about several things regarding the process of how corn grown products, and the maintenance on cattle's and chickens.

I have learned that the human intake of corn intake into the human body is about 90 % of our body and this can be found out through our hair. Corn is used as a sweetener, for example just by looking on the ingredients of food products like soda contains conrn syrup, as a result of the reading Chew on this I am now more aware of juice products that I purchase for my family. I was very surprised to learn that everything that I have been purchasing contains conrn syrup, like Minute Maid juice, Capri son, and other beverages that I would have normally purchased for my home, has changed my pattern of our intake of certain beverages.

Also, when shopping for meat products I now purchase organic beef and I have even consulted with the puchers who prep the meet about my choice of meat that i should purchase. This particular was quite surprised that I was inquiring of such concern that he shared with me he is a vegetarian. In any event he said that I should stick with more products that are 100% beef and less fat. and when I went in to more detail about what I have learned as far as cows eating corn and how could I choose the difference between corn fed and grass fed he even check led and commented that's is why I no longer eat beef nor chicken.

when choosing my chicken product I do not purchase frozen items, such as chic hen nuggets, I have started purchasing the hole chickens and preferably I get it chopped there as well.

As a result of my reading on Chew on this I have learned how growing corn industrialises the product of many things we eat and drink in our day to day life. Not to machine the slaughtering of cows taking them away from there naturalization of eating product and making them eat corn is cruel. The abuse that they edore its not right. I also take into fact the workers that work at these factories such as the loosing of boding parts (that's like so dangerous) I guess what I am trying to say is that the abuse the animals go through and the workers its not right... and if more people would just take the time to inquire on the little things we would have a great impact on how our industry distributes products into our community....

I even think I lost some wait.

Friday, November 13, 2009

If I was a boy!

If I were a boy, even just for a day,I'd roll out of bed in the morning and throw on what I wanted and go drink beer with the guys and chase after girls. I'd kick it with who I wanted,and I'd never get confronted for it 'Cause they stick up for me.

If I were a boy, I think I could understand how it feels to love a girl. I swear I'd be a better man. I'd listen to her 'Cause I know how it hurts when you lose the one you wanted 'Cause he's taking you for granted, and everything you had got destroyed.

If I were a boy I would turn off my phone tell everyone it's broken, so they'd think that I was sleeping alone. I'd put myself first and make the rules as I go, 'Cause I know that she'd be faithful, waiting for me to come home. If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I'd be a better man.

I'd listen to her'Cause, I know how it hurts when you lose the one you wanted 'Cause he's taking you for granted and everything you had got destroyed. It's a little too late for you to come back. Say it's just a mistake think I'd forgive you like that.
If you thought I would wait for you thought wrong, but you're just a boy. You don't understand and you don't, oh how it feels to love a girl, someday you wish you were a better man

You don't listen to her You don't care how it hurts Until you lose the one you wanted
'Cause you're taking her for granted And everything you had got destroyed
But you're just a boy © B-DAY PUBLISHING; EMI APRIL MUSIC INC.;

these lyrics are last corrected by EyoAdam

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Chew on this!

I purposley waited, until yester day to read the article chew on this, due to all the comments from other students saying how they did not want to eat certain beef product or chicken nuggets any more from McDonalds. However as I was reading, I begain to feel a little nosiouse because they were discribing how they made dog food and what ingrideints to play. But when they discribed the smell that was it for me.

I really like how the two daughters took such a great intress in the farm, especially the part when assisting with the birth of one of the cows. I have read other articles in the past that discussed things like this article and my opinion is that we have to eat one of the main coursed in Dominican food aside for the rice there is meat and after you have wittness a killing of any sort of animal its pritty much the same for the rest.

I personally have dificulty when it come to cutting a hole chicken because it reminds me of an infant. but then I get hungry and forget about that thought and prepair the meal. any way. people have to die from something.