Monday, September 28, 2009

Locked and Loaded

This is a show that aired on MSNBC 61, on channel 61. They cover several topics through out the course of their show. Locked and loaded, was one of show that cought my attention. Prior to actually beginign the show, they gave previews of what the show was about. For example; the handling of guns, more families in the United States are introducing guns to there children at an early age.

These, parent's did not see any wrong with having multiple guns in their homes. They firmly belived that it is a god given right to own guns; for gererations, there father's and four fathers have passed down this tradition of guns.

Never the less, parents that carried on the tradition. Where now enrolling their youngs, between the ages of 6 years old and up. In schools teaching children how to handle multiple guns. There taught to indentify the parts of a gun; for example trigger, positioning a riffle, standing positions, how would they respond if there was a gun being pointed at them.

Eventually; the children went on to completing there course recieving a certificate on learning how to handle a gun. This allowed them to go to the range and practice shooting guns or riffles. By this time the reporter asked the parents, but mainly the children about there experience. Well, they said it was fun, that they felt a lot of power, there adrenalin was intencified by the loud sounds. One teenager said that it was the ultimate excitement as a mother was using a huge automatic riffle that blew up cars. The one comment made by a seven year old, was guns are very fun and you do not have to think. Where as in school you have to use your brain. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Further moore; they went in to detail about a father who, ordered all these different types of parts to build his baby girl (eight years old) an AK47. Taking extream procotion that the gun was friendly user, by incorporating buffer that would allow the gun not to kick back ( meaning body force movement ) when shooting . This year commented that her friends thought it was cool that she had a gun. In addition, I was in disbeliefe to incuire that these things were taking place in the united states. Tennessee, Virginia and other places like alabama.

There are four million guns purchased per year in the U.S how more familiy are engaging in this hobby around the holidays.

Finally, I belive that guns should be treated with respect, and that it is a dangerous weapon that should only be used by our armed forceses, or police department.

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