Friday, December 11, 2009

My Final Blogg

I must edmit, that I was quite suprise to see all that I have written through out the semester. I do not know how much this has elevated, or inhanced my structure of writting.

But I will say, that I am suprised to see how much I have accomplished. The one that I mostly enjoyed was when we got to write the song lyrics and we were asked to put puncuation marks.

I think that was the first time that a light came on and I was able to view puncuation verses no pucuation. Although I do not use it as I should.

I also enjoyed, listening and reading other classmates blogs, their was one student imparticulare that I enjoyed the most. Through other students I was able to become more creative and put my thoughts on paper.

In this class I experienced diversity, culture and induviduality. I also noticed somewhat of progress in my writting. This class was a learning experience of one that will not be forgotten

Friday, November 20, 2009

Chew on this!

Thus far, sense our recent studies on Chew on This. I have learned about several things regarding the process of how corn grown products, and the maintenance on cattle's and chickens.

I have learned that the human intake of corn intake into the human body is about 90 % of our body and this can be found out through our hair. Corn is used as a sweetener, for example just by looking on the ingredients of food products like soda contains conrn syrup, as a result of the reading Chew on this I am now more aware of juice products that I purchase for my family. I was very surprised to learn that everything that I have been purchasing contains conrn syrup, like Minute Maid juice, Capri son, and other beverages that I would have normally purchased for my home, has changed my pattern of our intake of certain beverages.

Also, when shopping for meat products I now purchase organic beef and I have even consulted with the puchers who prep the meet about my choice of meat that i should purchase. This particular was quite surprised that I was inquiring of such concern that he shared with me he is a vegetarian. In any event he said that I should stick with more products that are 100% beef and less fat. and when I went in to more detail about what I have learned as far as cows eating corn and how could I choose the difference between corn fed and grass fed he even check led and commented that's is why I no longer eat beef nor chicken.

when choosing my chicken product I do not purchase frozen items, such as chic hen nuggets, I have started purchasing the hole chickens and preferably I get it chopped there as well.

As a result of my reading on Chew on this I have learned how growing corn industrialises the product of many things we eat and drink in our day to day life. Not to machine the slaughtering of cows taking them away from there naturalization of eating product and making them eat corn is cruel. The abuse that they edore its not right. I also take into fact the workers that work at these factories such as the loosing of boding parts (that's like so dangerous) I guess what I am trying to say is that the abuse the animals go through and the workers its not right... and if more people would just take the time to inquire on the little things we would have a great impact on how our industry distributes products into our community....

I even think I lost some wait.

Friday, November 13, 2009

If I was a boy!

If I were a boy, even just for a day,I'd roll out of bed in the morning and throw on what I wanted and go drink beer with the guys and chase after girls. I'd kick it with who I wanted,and I'd never get confronted for it 'Cause they stick up for me.

If I were a boy, I think I could understand how it feels to love a girl. I swear I'd be a better man. I'd listen to her 'Cause I know how it hurts when you lose the one you wanted 'Cause he's taking you for granted, and everything you had got destroyed.

If I were a boy I would turn off my phone tell everyone it's broken, so they'd think that I was sleeping alone. I'd put myself first and make the rules as I go, 'Cause I know that she'd be faithful, waiting for me to come home. If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I'd be a better man.

I'd listen to her'Cause, I know how it hurts when you lose the one you wanted 'Cause he's taking you for granted and everything you had got destroyed. It's a little too late for you to come back. Say it's just a mistake think I'd forgive you like that.
If you thought I would wait for you thought wrong, but you're just a boy. You don't understand and you don't, oh how it feels to love a girl, someday you wish you were a better man

You don't listen to her You don't care how it hurts Until you lose the one you wanted
'Cause you're taking her for granted And everything you had got destroyed
But you're just a boy © B-DAY PUBLISHING; EMI APRIL MUSIC INC.;

these lyrics are last corrected by EyoAdam

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Chew on this!

I purposley waited, until yester day to read the article chew on this, due to all the comments from other students saying how they did not want to eat certain beef product or chicken nuggets any more from McDonalds. However as I was reading, I begain to feel a little nosiouse because they were discribing how they made dog food and what ingrideints to play. But when they discribed the smell that was it for me.

I really like how the two daughters took such a great intress in the farm, especially the part when assisting with the birth of one of the cows. I have read other articles in the past that discussed things like this article and my opinion is that we have to eat one of the main coursed in Dominican food aside for the rice there is meat and after you have wittness a killing of any sort of animal its pritty much the same for the rest.

I personally have dificulty when it come to cutting a hole chicken because it reminds me of an infant. but then I get hungry and forget about that thought and prepair the meal. any way. people have to die from something.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Double Deuce and how I tried to stay on topic.

This book was not something that I would personally read. First of all it was about a very young teenager who gets shot and her child as well. She was never able to give a description even in her mind, like what she was thinking and there was alot of profanity. Then the book goes on in regards to Hawk and Spencer It then reminded me of New York under cover the fine porterican cop who played in Fame and the dark skin brother who for some reason always needed chap stick.

I Pretty much had to relate the book to T.V shows and movies to stay focused in reading this book another time was when Spencer, Hawk and the Minister were at the complex called Double Deuce brought me back to the movie called New Jack City and they were running that apartment complex in New York. So that I could visualized what the community was like and what the residents had to go through on a daily basis. I could never began to fantome the idea of how it is to live in a development like this nor a community.

Then, there was the part in the book when Spencer and his girl friend Susan were walking the dog and she starts talking about how she felt and how it was time for the relationship to take another level and she asked him to move in for the sake of the dog. Yea the dog had a name I just cant remember right now. So then I Begin to think about my cousin and how she is moving in with a guy that she's been dating.

There was actually a part that I found intro sting was the character named Major how his mother was hook on drugs and he was raised by his mother and how his grandmother eventually killed her self.
and Spencer was talking to the Spanish detective or case worker they where going over his records he was even in foster homes. Oh and he had a very high IQ I felt bad for him because no one truly ask to be here and its so true that your environment is a product of who you are. Poor Marshal never really had a fair chance at life he was probably living out what was done to him.

That's it for me.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dominican Christmas Traditions

On the 24th of Cecember there is a big family gathering, as well as friends. Every one is dressed up in new clothing. For example parents put on there special occasion church wear. The little girls, will have their hair nicley done in shirley timple curles and wearing there fl aired dresses. The little boys will have on their slacks and nicely pressed shirt with tie. The teenagers and the young adults wearing the latest fashion.

All gathered together at their grandparents home or at there mom and dad's. The house has been cleaned from the day before dressed in its holiday gear. Such as fresh flowers nicley orangeade on the table as well as bed linens and new towels in the bath room.

The house is blazing with music the best china is out the table is set. their is lots of liquor , beer and wine. One of the wine's that is often used for the Christmas holiday is ponche crema de oro, for dinner the traditional food are lechon asado (roasted pig) russian salod witch is made up of potato carrots beets, onions there is also green salad . French bread, a rice dish call moro de guandules, and platano maduro. then there is tamales paste litos and for desert we have flan pineapple cake rum cake oh and fruit cake. The guest begin to arrive like around 6 p.m. for my family that's means 8 or 9 p.m. after every one has arrived we bless the table eat and at 12 mid night all the young adults head out to the clubs or stay where they are at and continue the celebration.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reality Show kloe and Kourtney

This show is about two really attractive sister, there names are Kloe and Kourtney. The two have recently, moved to Miami for the opening of their outpost Boutique called Dash'. Kloe, who has recently married a basket ball player. Has another job at a radio station called kloe after dark.
Kloe tends to be the more mature out of the two, although she can be a little naive.

Kloe was at there Boutique called Dash' and one the employee' was cleaning out the dressing rooms and found a voile of drugs. The worker immediately, told Kloe where she had found it and there where still customers in the shop. So what does Kloe do she puts in her purse.

Later on that evening, she for gets that she has the voile of drug in her purse. Proceeds to go to her night job witch has a lot to do with popular culture. She works at a radio station with the guy from BET music videos. While they are on the air that topic of drugs comes up and she whips out of her purse the drug that she had found in her boutique. That almost coasted her her job because that was illegal to have that in the work place.

I enjoy watching this show because it reminds of when I was younger and truly enjoyed my self. Those where the days every thing was all about me. ( back to the show) and then she has a sister name Kourtney who is really out there she dates girls, has a very week tolerance for sex, will sleep with any one at the drop of a drink.

Kourtney, I learned is now pregnant by her ex-boyfriend who is now a father to be. " I think they really love one another". I enjoy watching this show because they help one another out. they are not snobby, they keep it very real. Young ladies enjoying them selves.

Kourtney And Khloe Kardashian Get Their Own Reality Show Celebrity News, Celebrity Gossip, Entertainment News ? Anything Hollywood

Kourtney And Khloe Kardashian Get Their Own Reality Show Celebrity News, Celebrity Gossip, Entertainment News ? Anything Hollywood

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Locked and Loaded

This is a show that aired on MSNBC 61, on channel 61. They cover several topics through out the course of their show. Locked and loaded, was one of show that cought my attention. Prior to actually beginign the show, they gave previews of what the show was about. For example; the handling of guns, more families in the United States are introducing guns to there children at an early age.

These, parent's did not see any wrong with having multiple guns in their homes. They firmly belived that it is a god given right to own guns; for gererations, there father's and four fathers have passed down this tradition of guns.

Never the less, parents that carried on the tradition. Where now enrolling their youngs, between the ages of 6 years old and up. In schools teaching children how to handle multiple guns. There taught to indentify the parts of a gun; for example trigger, positioning a riffle, standing positions, how would they respond if there was a gun being pointed at them.

Eventually; the children went on to completing there course recieving a certificate on learning how to handle a gun. This allowed them to go to the range and practice shooting guns or riffles. By this time the reporter asked the parents, but mainly the children about there experience. Well, they said it was fun, that they felt a lot of power, there adrenalin was intencified by the loud sounds. One teenager said that it was the ultimate excitement as a mother was using a huge automatic riffle that blew up cars. The one comment made by a seven year old, was guns are very fun and you do not have to think. Where as in school you have to use your brain. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Further moore; they went in to detail about a father who, ordered all these different types of parts to build his baby girl (eight years old) an AK47. Taking extream procotion that the gun was friendly user, by incorporating buffer that would allow the gun not to kick back ( meaning body force movement ) when shooting . This year commented that her friends thought it was cool that she had a gun. In addition, I was in disbeliefe to incuire that these things were taking place in the united states. Tennessee, Virginia and other places like alabama.

There are four million guns purchased per year in the U.S how more familiy are engaging in this hobby around the holidays.

Finally, I belive that guns should be treated with respect, and that it is a dangerous weapon that should only be used by our armed forceses, or police department.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Son's foot ball practice

This evening, my son made me proude. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, And Friday I take my son to practice out in D.C. In any event to night was the night that they finally put my son to the test. As coach would say to see what my son was made out of .

Well the team members spreaded out in a big circle and low and behold they coach called my baby to the center of and my baby was on point he started to do the little ( I call it the hammer time dance ) and was takaling them they where coming from all area's. and each time he tackled them he was on the look out to see where the next tackle was coming from.

My son was getting tired towards the end and as he fell he got back up towards the end all of his team members including the couch gave him a round of aplouse . This reminded me of real life sitchuations they come from all angles we fall but we get back up.

So I say to you my fellow classmates, are we going to fall or are we going rise to the occation, I remember an old saying what doesnt break you only makes you stronger.

Just as I belived in my son I belive in me and all of you.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Over whelming at times

Coming back to school has been very overwhelming for me for example I feel lost and not in control of the sitchuation. How ever college has changed quite a bit for the good of the students.

The teachers are very approuchable with any question's relating to there class and not bothered of how many times you may need help.

They are very respectuful and they do not talk down to there student's. Or make you feel out of place there is no favoritism like in high school